千海株式会社自成立以来,始终致力于为中国和东南亚地区客户提供来日本体检、治疗、医疗观光等优质的服务。 考虑到语言及环境的差异,许多赴日就医的患者及家属难免会担心就医效率和治疗效果,为此,我们组织培养了专业的医疗翻译团队。团队成员多数为在职的日本本土医院医护人员,她们拥有多年在日工作经验和专业且丰富的医疗相关知识,能够精准流利地为医患双方提供口语翻译,在患者的治疗过程中扮演了桥梁和纽带的重要角色。长期以来,我们的专业团队得到了来自医患双方的高度评价,为医患之间建立合作互信的良性关系发挥了关键性作用。 千海株式会社将竭诚为所有赴日体检、医疗、旅游观光的客户提供优质的服务,让您在日本收获身体的健康和心灵的愉悦。
      Since its establishment, Senkai Corporation has always been committed to providing high-quality services such as medical examinations, treatments, and medical tourism in Japan for clients from China and Southeast Asia. Considering the differences in language and environment, many patients and their families who come to Japan for medical treatment may naturally worry about the efficiency and effectiveness of the treatment. To address this concern, we have organized and trained a professional medical translation team. The majority of team members are healthcare professionals currently working in Japanese hospitals. They have years of experience working in Japan and possess extensive knowledge in the medical field. They are able to provide accurate and fluent oral translation services, playing an important role as a bridge and link between doctors and patients during the treatment process. Over the years, our professional team has received high praise from both doctors and patients, playing a crucial role in establishing a cooperative and trustworthy relationship between them.
       千海医療日本国内における中国人受入可能な医療機関と提携したいと思います、そして中国のお客様のニーズに即した各医療サービスを提供できるようコーディネートさせていただきます。 PET-CT、MRIなど、先端医療機器と経験豊富な医師による読影で早期発見?診断を行い、また診断の結果、疾病が見つかっても治療サポートまでできるので安心です。 弊社で日本語訳した資料を基に、病院側が受け入れ可否を判断します。 治療計画に合わせ医療機関と遷携し、医療滞在ビザ等に必要な“身元保証書“を手配致します。 お客様のご希望に合わせて、医療通訳者を手配致します。 患者繕の空港送迎、日本滞在中の宿泊、観光、通訳ガイドなどご希望に応じて手配致します。
